A Beautiful Code Block Component for React
Enhance your React applications with a feature-rich, customizable code display component. Simple, easy to use and understand API design with a "own your own" approach. NPM package will be avaialable soon, but for now you can copy the code from the repo or run the *highly experimental* installation script below.
Btw, the beautiful props table is is also made by me and open source with a decent API
Feature Showcase
This demo shows the search functionality in action. The search box is pre-filled with "return userData" and the matching line is highlighted.
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async function fetchUserData(userId) { try { const response = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/users/${userId}`); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to fetch user data'); } const userData = await response.json(); return userData; } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching user data:', error); return null; } } // Usage of the async function (async () => { const userId = 123; const user = await fetchUserData(userId); if (user) { console.log('User data:', user); } else { console.log('Failed to fetch user data'); } })();
Matching lines:
Create Your Own
Experiment with the CodeBlock component by creating your own custom code snippet. Use the form below to input your code, select a language, add badges, and see the result in real-time.
// Your code will appear here
You can install the CodeBlock component using the following bash script:
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#!/bin/bash echo "🚀 Installing beautiful-code-block component..." # Clone repository sparsely (only what we need) git clone --depth 1 --filter=blob:none --sparse https://github.com/remcostoeten/beautifull-code-block # Enter directory cd beautifull-code-block # Set sparse-checkout to only get the code-block component git sparse-checkout set src/components/code-block # Copy to components folder (creates it if it doesn't exist) mkdir -p ../components cp -r src/components/code-block ../components/ # Clean up: remove cloned repo cd .. rm -rf beautifull-code-block # Install all required dependencies echo "📦 Installing dependencies..." npm install \ framer-motion \ lucide-react \ react-syntax-highlighter \ @radix-ui/react-slot \ class-variance-authority \ clsx \ tailwind-merge \ @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu \ @radix-ui/react-toast echo "✅ Installation complete!"
After running the script:
- A new folder called
will be created in your components directory. - The CodeBlock component is now ready to use in your project.
- Import it in your files like this:
import CodeBlock from '@/components/code-block/code-block'
API Reference
The CodeBlock component accepts the following props to customize its appearance and behavior:
Core Props
Essential properties for the code block
Display Options
Visual customization properties
Prop | Type | Default | Description | |
showLineNumbers v1.0.0 | boolean | true | Show line numbers in the gutter | |
enableLineHighlight | boolean | false | Enable line highlighting functionality | |
showMetaInfo | boolean | true | Show file metadata in header (lines, words) | |
maxHeight | string | 400px | Maximum height before scrolling | |
fileName | string | - | Name of the file to display in header |
Visual and theme customization
Prop | Type | Default | Description | |
className | string | - | Additional CSS classes to apply | |
badgeVariant | "default" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "warning" | "danger" | "custom" | default | Style variant for badges | |
badgeColor | string | - | Custom color for badges when variant is "custom" | |
fileNameColor | string | - | Custom color for the file name label |
Interactive Features
Event handlers and interactive functionality
Prop | Type | Default | Description | |
onCopy | (code: string) => void | - | Called when code is copied to clipboard | |
onLineClick | (lineNumber: number) => void | - | Called when a line is clicked | |
onSearch Array | (query: string, results: number[]) => void | - | Called when search is performed |
Search & Highlighting
Search and line highlighting features
Prop | Type | Default | Description | |
initialSearchQuery | string | "" | Initial search term | |
initialSearchResults Array | number[] | [] | Initial array of line numbers matching search | |
initialHighlightedLines Array | number[] | [] | Line numbers to highlight on initial render |
Badge Configuration
Configuration for code block badges
Prop | Type | Default | Description | |
badges | Array<{ text: string; variant: BadgeVariant }> | - | Array of badges to display |
Layout Options
Control the layout and spacing of the component
Prop | Type | Default | Description | |
propSpacing | "none" | "tight" | "normal" | "relaxed" | normal | Controls the vertical spacing between props |
Usage Examples
Basic Usage
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import { CodeBlock } from '@/components/code-block/code-block' export default function Example() { return ( <CodeBlock code="console.log('Hello, World!');" language="javascript" showLineNumbers /> ) }
Advanced Usage with All Features
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import { CodeBlock } from '@/components/code-block/code-block' export default function AdvancedExample() { const handleSearch = (query: string, results: number[]) => { console.log(`Found matches at lines: ${results.join(', ')}`) } const handleLineClick = (lineNumber: number) => { console.log(`Line ${lineNumber} clicked`) } return ( <CodeBlock code={codeString} language="python" showLineNumbers enableLineHighlight fileName="example.py" badges={[ { text: 'Python', variant: 'primary' }, { text: 'Example', variant: 'secondary' } ]} onSearch={handleSearch} onLineClick={handleLineClick} initialHighlightedLines={[1, 2, 3]} maxHeight="500px" /> ) }
The CodeBlock component can be customized using Tailwind CSS classes or by modifying the component's source code. Here are some common customization examples:
Theme Customization
You can customize the colors, typography, and spacing using Tailwind CSS classes:
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<CodeBlock className="dark:bg-gray-900 rounded-xl shadow-lg" code={myCode} language="javascript" showLineNumbers />
Custom Badge Styles
Create your own badge variants by extending the component's styles:
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// In your CSS or Tailwind config .badge-custom { @apply bg-gradient-to-r from-pink-500 to-purple-500 text-white; } // In your component <CodeBlock code={myCode} badges={[ { text: 'Custom', variant: 'custom' } ]} />